Tarot Readers, Psychics, Energy Workers

Discover how to earn full time income with
steady bookings every week,
in part time hours,
So you can work professionally
and have the freedom you desire,
Without frustration or burning out.

Struggling with your Tarot, Psychic or Energy Work Business? You don't have to!

Does this sound like you...

You give great readings, and get compliments on the readings you do.
You've put the work in to practicing your skill,
Love serving people, bringing them guidance and healing,
and you're excited about what you can do!

You'd love to have enough consistent clients to quit a J.O.B. you have,
So that you can serve your clients without feeling burnt out from the day,
And you love the idea of working when you want,
from where ever you want!
(Other people are doing it, so why can't you?)

But You Feel Like You've Tried EVERYTHING...

Something is missing, but you don't know what.
You need a better strategy for consistent sales, in a way that doesn't leave you feeling like a creepy hustler, or that you are putting the "pitch" on folks...

Learn how to make your Tarot, Psychic or Energy Work business work on autopilot.

Are you Ready to:

Create more income?
Have more freedom in your life?
Quit a job?
Travel and work remotely?
Work from your own home?
Reach more people who could benefit from your gift?

The Tarot Marketing Mastery program is built just for you!

Folks that do what you do have some very unique challenges. This program focuses on you, with one-on-one mentorship & coaching.

Your personal coaching works together with video classes to guide you through the 5 Keys that every business must have in place to grow so that your ideal clients find YOU, but that no one seems to be willing to share.

As a massive bonus is the Group Mastermind, where you benefit from the experiences and successes of other readers and healers that are open and eager to support you in your growth.

And, for help or brainstorming 24/7, there's a private supportive Facebook Group just for you.

This program is tailored to your unique business needs, and to the goals you want to accomplish to create a thriving Bliss Business. Helping you get started with that Queen of Wands Momentum, creating more short term success, with long term payoff.

Suitable for practitioners who

are open to learning more,
and are excited & ready to take their practice to a
professional level with a steady clientele.

Like Most Metaphysical Studies, Tarot Marketing Mastery is a year long study.

We'll have you taking action quickly and pace it through this year of growth to make sure you're confident in moving forward. In addition to helping you put your 5 Keys in place:

  • We're going to work together to clarify your vision for your business, and use that vision to create a personal strategy;

  • We'll talk about energy and the spiritual side of your business, and how to integrate it all into your everyday life;

  • Together, we'll look at your mindset and work on any psychological barriers that may be stopping you from moving forward;

  • you'll learn the technical side of what you need for marketing your Bliss Business;

  • We'll upgrade your skills to help create your vision.

Lori Grace Shares it ALL

Everything she's ever learned from her own Mentors, from business courses, and from creating an expanding and successful Psychic, Tarot & Energy Work Business, online and off.

Turn Your Passion into Your Profession

Get started by booking a call or zoom to find out how Tarot Marketing Mastery can help you manifest the business of your dreams.

Meet Your Mentor

Lori-Grace, The Little Witch

Lori-Grace is an Intuitive Tarot Tutor, Spiritual Mentor & Psychic Medium,
who serves her Clients & Students and students with  28+ years of professional experience.

All those years of experience have been spent learning about how to create a Bliss Business in order to have the time and energy to bring healing and clarity  to her clients. It also freed up energy to upgrade all her witchy skills! 

Having studied courses, coaching, and marketing and mentorship, Lori-Grace brings all the experience together and shares it all with you in Tarot Marketing Mastery. 

Lori-Grace is a Psychic Medium who uses "all the Clairs" - She not only sees energy, (Clairvoyancy) but can also feel (Clairtangency), hear (Clairaudience), smell and taste (Clairalience and Clairgustance).

Lori-Grace has a thriving professional practice on Georgian Bay, and is based in Ontario, Canada.   Her reading and teaching style is described "Honest, Accurate & Fun."    

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